Counselling Services
When your personal problem-solving efforts are stretched to their limit Rosalyn can help you cope. By helping you gain a deeper understanding of your issues and concerns, counselling therapy with Rosalyn helps to enhance your personal growth, awareness, relationships, and your general mental health and well-being.
During a session with Rosalyn you will experience a true sense of feeling heard. It is her goal, as a professional counselling therapist, to really connect with the true essence of who you are as an individual and to understand your emotional experiences. Rosalyn is very skilled at creating a safe space to explore feelings, reactions, experiences and the complexities of emotional relationships with others.The ultimate goal is to help you to become more comfortable with your emotions and to increase your self-knowledge and effectiveness.
Services that are available include:
- One on One Individual counselling sessions
- Telephone Counselling
- Email Counselling
- Online Counselling (skype or msn chat)
Please contact Rosalyn for fee schedule. A sliding fee scale is available to low income clients (i.e. students) please ask for details.
Canadian Certified Counsellors are often recognized by extended medical and health benefit plans. Please ask your Human Resources department or Insurance Company.
If your insurance does not cover services provided by a CCC you may want to get your employer to make an adjustment to your plan. It does not cost your employer
anything and your benefits will be increased for better health care and well being without a lot of work.
Rosalyn can help you with a sample letter if needed, please ask.
You can be assured that everything said between you and your counsellor is strictly confidential. There are some exceptions where proper authorities will need to
be contacted. These include, if your counsellor has reason to believe that you, another individual or a child is at risk for abuse or harm. Confidentiality will
be covered more extensively at your first session.